Full Name
Email Address
Q1: Do you know at each month end how much your customers owe you? YesNo
Q2: Do you have a print of this that ages into months the amount owed? YesNo
Q3: Do you have a process for chasing outstanding amounts owed? YesNo
Q4: Do you know at each month end how much you owe your suppliers? YesNo
Q5: Do you have a print of this that ages into months the amount owed? YesNo
Q6: Do you know from day to day what your bank balance is? YesNo
Q7: If you have an agreed overdraft, do you go into it... FrequentlyVery RarelyNever
Q8: When you take on a new customer, do you... Carry out a credit checkTake up trade referencesBothNeither
Q9: Are your terms and conditions printed on your invoices or sent to new customers? YesNo
Q10: Do you know what your total sales are each month? YesNo
Q11: Do you know what your most profitable services or products are? YesNo
Q12: Do you have a formalised system to calculate prices/quotes? YesNo
Q13: Do you know what your break-even sales are per month for... Profit PurposesCash Flow Purposes (after paying loans, taking out money for yourself etc)BothNeither
Q14: Do you set monthly sales targets? YesNo
Q15: Do you create a business plan or financial budgets each year? YesNo
Q16: Do you monitor actual performance against those plans and budgets? YesNo
Q17: Do you pay your VAT/PAYE on time? YesNo
Q18: Do you prepare monthly/quarterly accounts or performance figures? YesNo
Q19: Do you have a marketing plan? YesNo
Q20: Do you have company objectives? YesNo
Q21: Are your staff motivated? YesNo
Q22: Do you have staff discipline problems? YesNo
Q23: Do you consider your accountant value for money? YesNo
Q24: Do you spend too much time working? YesNo
Q25: Would you like to earn more profits? YesNo
Q26: Would you like to reduce your tax bill? YesNo
Security Question What is 11 + 18?